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Chamber Member Survey

Your responses will help shape Chamber programs, events and resources to best support our business community this year. Thank you!
Is your organization a Minority Business Enterprise? *
A MBE, defined by the Commonwealth of Virginia, is a business that is at least 51% owned by one or more minority individuals (African American, Asian American, Hispanic American, Native American) who are United States citizens or legal resident aliens.
How many employees does your organization have? (Full time equivalent) *
For the next 6-12 months, my most important business concern is: *
For the next 6-12 months, my second-most important business concern is: *
Not Likely Somewhat Likely Very Likely
Large networking events
Small group networking events
Speed networking
Free online marketing
Paid marketing
Speak about my organization
Sponsorship (under $1,000)
Sponsorship ($1,000 or more)
Host a Chamber event