Let's Connect 2024 Host Inquiry What is the name of your organization? * What is your organization's address (or event location, if different from your address)? * Who will be your organization's contact person for this event? * Please provide name, title, email address and phone number. How many guests can your location accommodate with sufficient parking? (minimum 75, maximum 200) * Will your organization provide all food & beverages, or will you work with a co-host? * We are ready to sign a contract In partnership with a co-host, we are ready to sign a contract Other (please explain under Comments below) Please indicate your preferred date(s) for hosting Let's Connect in 2024. * Wednesday, November 13 Wednesday, December 11 What are your goals for hosting Let's Connect? * If you are partnering with a co-host, please provide the organization name along with a contact person's name and email address. Comments Upload Marketing Materials The marketing materials listed below will be used to promote your event. You may choose to provide these to the Chamber at a later date, at least 6 weeks prior to your event date. Upload your organization's logo Upload a photo of the venue Share up to two paragraphs of marketing copy to be included on the event registration page